
Just a few days ago, my family and I came back from vacation. We spent almost a week at Sandestin, Florida, in a hotel right on the beach with a beautiful view, and the weather was perfect; not too hot and the ocean was surprisingly warm. I loved laying on the beach, listening to the ocean waves, and burying my feet in the sand.

As soon as I returned home though, I realized that I had a problem with my skin’s pigmentation because of the sun. If you, like me, are faced with the problem of spotty skin pigmentation after returning from a vacation by the sea or ocean, then I think this will be interesting to you. By the way, did you know that pigmentation after a season of active insolation can occur, even if you carefully follow all the rules for applying, and timely renewing SPF products?

The reason for the appearance of aging spots is the excessive production of melanin - a pigment that gives the skin its natural color and, up to a certain point, is able to provide it with protection from ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, the sun is not the only factor that provokes pigmentation. There are dozens of reasons for the appearance of brown spots on the skin. For example, their formation can be caused by changes in hormonal levels (pregnancy, menopause, use of contraceptives), metabolic disorders, malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, taking certain medications,  aggressive procedures that violate the integrity of the epidermis, serious skin damage, frostbite and burns, as well as excessive sunburn under the natural rays of the sun or in a solarium.

MyRainBerry is a vegan natural skincare brand. This is why we would like to suggest you to try several options to get rid of aging spots on your face with natural remedies.

As soon as we notice aging spots on our face, we immediately want to get rid of them, thankfully we can tell you how to do it yourself at home. However, it is important to remember that since the concentration of active ingredients in "home" remedies is small, it can take a longer time to see the result.

  • Infusion of parsley. Finely chop the greens in a blender, apply juice or the porridge itself to the problem area. Rinse off after 20-25 minutes. You can add honey or lemon juice. Wash off after 25 minutes.
  • Cucumber juice. Tones up, harmonizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and helps to narrow the pores. Cucumber masks can be used when there is orientation due to freckles or acne.
  • Citrus juice. If you take lemon and lime juice, you can get the effect of acid-peeling as in the salon. Citrus fruits remove cells that have become keratinized, make the skin tone smoother. Place a citrus slice on the age spot for 20 minutes

Another option that we have is micro needling. It is essentially injections with Hyaluronic Acid to moisturize the skin and decrease hyperpigmentation. Also, in the case of pigmentation, we can recommend applying MyRainBerry's Hyaluronic Acid with Peptides topically, as this will help to decrease pigmentation over time. Certain peptides may help to brighten and even the appearance of the skin tone affected by pigmentation issues.

In summary, the Sun's radiation may harm your skin. That's why during the day time, it is always recommended to use sunscreen of at least 50 SPF. Also, MyRainBerry's Youth Solution and Nighttime Care can be used during the evening to achieve healthier and younger looking skin.